Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What is Organic Farming and is it Important
Organic farming is a broad concept with extreme application. It is well appreciated on a large scale by the people as now with the help of it they can easily grow their own food. If you have a little bit of free time with you then you need not to face any kind of problem. You can prepare and serve good quality delicious food by doing organic farming at your home.
It is not true that organic farming is practiced at a small scale only. By having a trip of farming sector you can easily understand how much vast this sector actually is. This is not the case some time before. Few years back it was not a highly thriving and demanding sector but now the case has totally changed. It is now not limited to a small scale industry as day by day more corporate sectors are taking interest in this field. Large corporate farming is taking keen interest in the concept of organic farming. Continuous research is going on to find out the way by which huge fields of a single crop can be grown. No one can deny the fact that in the process of organic farming, pests are believed to be the major threat. Due to harmful impact on the biodiversity unnatural pesticides are not much preferred to use.
If you are going for the natural pesticides for controlling the pests then it is certainly an eco friendly approach but believed to be much expensive in contrast to unnatural ones. Some time before, due to expensive nature they were not much preferred in the process of organic farming. After the entrance of large scale industries with huge budget this can be achieved now very easily. Natural pesticides can be a good option when it is about the large scale organic farming but if you are going for it at your home or at a small scale in a separate piece of land then it is advisable to look for any other good option. This is because like other kinds of farming organic farming also requires the process of sowing, cultivating and harvesting. If you do not have proper arrangement of water for the purpose of irrigation then you require depending largely on the rain water. If you are concluding the process of organic farming at your home then irrigation is not a big issue but even at a small scale proper arrangement of water is very essential. If you do not have a huge budget with you then it can be a difficult work for you. You require investing a good amount on purchase of seeds, irrigation, fertilizers, harvesting, etc.
There is much debate till now on the use of unnatural pesticides in the process of organic farming. Several environmentalists and consumer protection organization have claimed that the use of unnatural pesticides not only damage the environment but also have an adverse impact on the quality of food. For killing the insects and pests these pesticides are used but they are not considered helpful after sometime. It is so because these insects as well as the pests easily get adapted to the effects of the chemicals involved in them and so these pesticides looses their worth. Sooner or later it damages the health of the final consumer who without knowing consumes a large amount of lethal chemicals and synthesized materials along with the natural food. Thus it is injurious for the health of the human being as well.
Thus there are several ways by which you can have your favorite vegetables as well as fruits and that too with the help of inorganic as well as organic farming. As there are several pros as well as cons of both it is up to you to decide the one that is best for you. You can make use of organic farming to turn your dreams into reality and the best part is it is already benefiting millions of people so you are not at all required to worry for it as well. offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What Happens When You Get Too Little Protein in Your Diet
Proteins are composed of long chain like forms of amino acids. Amino acids are basic and fundamental to life. As a chemical compound, it is made of amine and carbonyl functional groups. To put it simply, they are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and on some rare occasions, sulfur. These four or five materials build themselves into various chain-like structures and form different types of protein. Protein is the life line of human health.
Human cells, muscle tissue, and the organs of the body are made up of protein. Long chains of amino acids are structured to make different types of proteins. There are 22 types of amino acids and the human body needs all of them to be healthy.
Different types of proteins in our body execute different body functions. Our body's strength, its flexibility and elasticity are taken care of by a protein called collagen, and our hair and skin are composed of the same protein.
Proteins we consume through food are broken down into amino acids in the process of digestion and absorbed by the body only to be rebuilt into different types of proteins that are the requirement of the body. There are twenty two kinds of amino acids essential for the human body. And in that 14 are produced by the body and the remaining 8 are to be obtained though food.
Complete and incomplete Proteins
A protein that can be obtained through one food source like a meat or dairy product is called a complete protein. A complete protein is obtained generally though meat, diary products, eggs, fish and poultry. Vegetables, fruits and nuts do not contain all the essential proteins in one food items and so it is termed as incomplete.
Importance of Proteins
For proper growth, sustenance and repair of body cells, for the health of muscles, tissues, organs and for body function like metabolism, digestion, transportation of nutrients and oxygen through blood circulation, proteins are imperative.
Apart from that more importantly for the production of antibodies, or in other words, antibodies are little soldiers who fight any infection that invades into our body and fights diseases and makes us healthy. The healthy skin and shining hair of which we are proud of is due to the proteins.
Too little Protein means ill health
Like our grand mothers say often, 'anything too much or too little is harmful' is absolute truth in case of protein. Too much protein intake leads to many uncomfortable physical complications just as too little of protein intake can lead to complications.
Protein is needed to repair and create new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes and muscles and lack of protein would impair these important body functions leading to grave situations. Many foods which supply protein do contain certain other minerals and vitamins like iron, a lack of which creates an eternal tiredness and fatigue. The person who lacks iron feels weak and becomes listless with lack of energy.
Physical activities consume protein daily, and so it is essential to give regular supply of protein to the body daily. And too little protein can cause severe skin ailments and would make you look lusterless and pale.
Children need a lot of protein as they are in the phase of growing and insufficient protein in children hampers their growth very much.
For a period of time if the body fails to get sufficient amount of protein through food, it starts breaking the muscles which contain large amount of protein to fulfill its need. This means eroding of the muscle and it is generally known as muscle wasting. And prolonged such situation leads to a vicious cycle of protein energy malnutrition where in when the body does not get any other source of energy, body's muscles and organs a re broken down for energy. The digestive system suffers with the loss of cell lining which is important for absorption of nutrients from the digested food. Thus a vicious cycle of poor diet and insufficient absorption of nutrients from food lead to severe body wasting.
So, too little protein intake is dangerous and very harmful to health. offers low prices on protein bars, low carb protein, and more.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How to Lose Weight with Eating Fast Food
Gone are the days when fast food meant fat-filled food. As we, the consumers, have become more health conscious, fast food chains have responded by adding healthier alternatives to their menus. So you can add fast foods to your diet without necessarily running the risk of putting on lots of weight. If you don't feel like cooking sometimes or just don't have the time and need something quickly, you can go to a fast food restaurant without feeling guilty.
The movie "Super Size Me" might have put some people right off going to places like McDonalds. For those of you who aren't familiar with the movie, the guy in it ate nothing but three McDonalds' combo meals a day. This is about three times as many calories as the average person requires each day. Now, that's definitely overdoing it!
But you can eat fast food and still restrict your calorie intake. Even if you choose one of the less healthy burgers, you can keep the calories down by skipping the fries or drinking water instead of soda. Mayo in sandwiches is another big calorie adder that you can probably survive without.
While eating fast food on a daily basis is still not a good idea, it can be incorporated into a healthy eating plan. LIVE's Nutritional Plan can show you ways that you can add fast food to your diet and still increase your metabolism. The key to maintaining a good metabolism is to eat five small meals a day.
Below is a list of some of the fast food chains and a few of the more healthy choices they offer.
1. Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich (no mayo)
2. Plain Hamburger
3. Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken
4. Side salad instead of fries
1. Jr. Hamburger (no mayo)
2. Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich (no mayo)
3. Plain baked potato with a small plain chili on top
4. Fresh fruit bowl
5. Low fat strawberry yogurt
1. Honey BBQ Snacker Sandwich
2. Honey BBQ Sandwich
3. Chicken breast without skin or breading
4. Sides of green beans, seasoned rice, or corn on the cob
Burger King
1. Chicken Whopper Sandwich (no mayo)
2. BK Veggie Burger (no mayo)
3. Fire Grilled Chicken Garden Salad
Baja Fresh
1. Baja Style Tacos: Charbroiled Chicken or Shrimp
2. Baja Ensalada: Charbroiled Chicken or Shrimp
1. 6" Ham
2. 6" Oven Roasted Chicken Breast
3. 6" Roast Beef
4. 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
5. 6" Turkey Breast
6. 6" Veggie Delight
As you can see, there are lots of healthy fast food choices. Just take some time to look at the menu next time you go in and see exactly what's in each option. offers discount prices on ephedra diet pills, ephedra free thermogenics, and more.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Achieve a Beach Body Tips
Having great physique, huge muscles, smart personality is something every men desires. As we all know that there are many gym and fitness center established to help people in building huge muscles. You must have visited a beach to spend some loving moments with friends and family. Beach is a place where a person likes to enjoy the touch of water. But due to an awkward and ugly physique many times you hesitate to open your clothes. You see several young boys roaming all around you in swimming costumes showing off their beach body. You must be wondering how they get a beach body. Let me tell you that even you can get a beach body. All you need is a proper diet and regular workouts. If you really desire to get a beach body then I can provide you some useful tips which can help you in making a beach body. Summer is somewhere near so I suggest that you should start making a beach body from today onwards so that you can also show your beach body and can enjoy the thrilling atmosphere of beach.
Let us discuss some of the factors through which you can get a beach body:
Firstly decide the time up to which you want a beach body as your workout and diet will be based on the time period in which you need a beach body. Make sure what will be your diet and what all will be your initial workouts to get a beach body. This is essential as through these you can build your muscles to get a beach body. You should also gain some basic knowledge about health and fitness so that you can prepare yourself in that way. The main areas of your body on which you have to pay special attention are chest, arms, triceps, biceps, shoulders and thighs. You can also perform workouts in order to build abs. In the initial stage you have to build up muscular arms, big chest and huge shoulders and after you succeed in getting them you can start with cardiovascular workouts to build up your key muscle groups.
A cardiovascular workout helps in burning the top layer of fat of your body. It is essential because by burning the top layer one can easily build huge muscles but for starting this workout one have to build good muscles. The key to get a beach body is weight training, correct nutrition and cardiovascular training. Many people perform the two building blocks properly that is weight training and cardiovascular training but fails in doing the third building block correctly that is proper nutrition. Because of improper nutrition the muscles fails to develop in a proper manner. It is well known that heavy weights are essential for building huge muscular body but for lifting huge weights strength is needed which is provided by proper nutrition. So in order to get a beach body you should pay proper attention to your nutrition. You should take in a proper diet, full of proteins and other essential macronutrients so that you can have the strength to lift heavy weights.
All you need to do is to make a correct nutritional plan so that your muscles and your body can get proper nutrition. This will help you in doing workouts in a proper manner. You can easily get broad shoulders and muscular arms and can also tone every muscle of your body. You will not even feel shy in opening your cloths on the beach as then you can show your beach body. To get a beach body you have to do all these exercises and make sure that you continue them as regular workouts is very vital in maintaining the beach body.
By doing regular workouts you will keep increasing you rate of metabolism which is essential for burning fat and calories. By doing these workouts you can easily maintain a fit and healthy body. You can even join a fitness centre or a gym in order to get best results. You can also consult a physiotherapist as he can advice you how to get a beach body in a more perfect way. You can also consult a trainer for performing different workouts. Make sure that you opt for a right workout for building a muscular body. Do not ever push yourself in completing a set or workout as you can cause yourself an injury.
So, start your workouts and training in order to get a beach body and pay attention on your diet as a nutritional diet is must to get a beach body. offers great value on Methyl 1-D, Beta Alanine, and more.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Do You have Symptoms of Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, or a Rapid Heart Beat?
Let me know if this sounds like you? You experience frequent bouts of quick onset of sweating, a sudden rapid heart rate, or all of a sudden a shortness of breath. You may think that you are having a heart attack, though the real cause may be something you didn't expect.
If this sounds like you do you skip breakfast often? Thus once you skip breakfast your day goes by with off on bouts of fatigue and sluggishness that you fix with either trips to Starbucks or the vending machine. Quickly after eating the high sugar of gourmet coffees or snacks in vending machines you feel better though it doesn't last and a few hours later you are crashing again.
What is happening is a lack of small meals during the day is throwing your hormones out of balance. Too much insulin in your blood stream from constant bouts of low and then high blood sugar is causing your symptoms mentioned earlier. This process starts many Americans on the path to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Who would have though it was all causes when you skipped breakfast?
Most Americans from not poor diet choices, but poor diet habits are living everyday with their hormones out of balance. What I mean by poor diet habits instead of poor diet choices is that most people may think they eat too much fast food or not enough vegetables, though it is the simple act not eating small meals throughout the day that causes the hormonal imbalances.
Your endocrine system (hormones) and your nervous system control your body's rhythm which allows you to prevent disease and live healthy. Most pharmaceutical drugs mast the symptoms people feel like depression or fatigue though the only way to make a cure is to get your hormones back into balance from your diet.
The key understanding how your hormone insulin works and what you can to get in back into balance.
1. Insulin is the key hormone that controls how much fat you store.
2. High insulin levels triggers your brain to crave high sugar foods.
3. Insulin puts stress on the brain which leads to type 3 diabetes or Alzheimer's.
4. Your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin and that process is the cause of over half the cases of high blood pressure.
5. Insulin enhances the chance of cancer cells forming.
6. High levels of insulin have been linked to depression, panic attacks, anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia.
7. Insulin makes your blood clot faster which increases risk of heart attacks and strokes.
8. Insulin can lead to lower testosterone which causes infertility, acne, hair loss for both men and women, and sexual performance issues.
Top 10 Tips to Re balance Your Insulin
1. Eat a higher amount of whole foods that have not been processed like fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, chicken, and eggs.
2. Remove trans fats from your diet. There is no health benefit to any trans fats in your diet.
3. Eat more organic foods which don't use pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.
4. Avoid high sugar foods.
5. Eat breakfast. If you are not in the habit; start with something. Just drinking coffee doesn't count for eating breakfast.
6. Eat 5 small meals during the day or every 2-3 hours.
7. Don't eat a large meal than go to bed. This is also solved by eating 5 small meals as you loose the ability to overeat.
8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep will limit the affects of any amount of health eating that you will do. You are not able to catch up on the weekends.
9. Get at least 3 bouts of exercise in during the week. Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to support stabilizing your blood sugar.
10. Ten a few minutes to relax every day. High stress releases cortisol into your blood stream which amplifies the effects of insulin.
When you embark on balancing your hormones remember it is a lifestyle not a 90 day plan. The goal is that every action you take is an action that you can add to your life that you can continue. Any solution that is short term typically only causes more problems or at least different problems.
LiveLeanToday offers great value on products like Zylene, Methyl 1-D, and more.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Asia Black 25 Ephedra and Hoodia Review
Asia Black is the proven ECA Stack and a whole lot more! If you want a potent, and very strong ephedra product then Asia Black 25 is for your store!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
- Relaxation/Sleep/Recovery:
LEAN DREAMS combines several key components specifically chosen to support relaxation, cortisol suppression and promote better sleep.
-Ingredients responsible for relaxation/sleep/recovery:
- Oleamide: Endogenous sleep modulator.
- L-Tryptophan Ethyl Ester: Precursor to Serotonin, 5-HTP and Melatonin.
- Jujuba PE 2%: Used in folk medicine to promote restorative sleep.
- Valerian: Calming agent and sleep aid.
- Rotundine: Sleep augmentation and analgesia.
- Melatonin: Master sleep hormone and anti-oxidant, cholinergic system protectant.
- Supports GH Release:
Over half of our natural daily GH secretion occurs while we sleep. LEAN DREAMS combines several ingredients that support GH stimulation, in addition to the natural GH spike that results from an improved sleep state.
-Ingredients responsible for supporting GH release:
- Berberine: Supports natural GH stimulation by way of the central cholinergic system, acts as a sleep aid/CNS depressant.
- Hispidulin: Provides GH modulation, also acts as an anti-anxiety, uncoupler of oxidative phosphorilation (increases BMR to target fat metabolism) and is an anti-oxidant.
- Suppresses cortisol/ targets fat utilization
Cortisol, which is the body’s stress hormone, can cause catabolism (muscle breakdown) and it also plays a major role in fat storage. Cortisol can also inhibit GH and testosterone production. Controlling cortisol levels can have a dramatic impact on body composition. LEAN DREAMS has several ingredients that have been shown to directly impact cortisol levels.
-Ingredients responsible for suppressing cortisol and targeting fat utilization:
- Magnolia extract: Provides cortisol inhibition and anti-anxiety support.
- Baicalin: Acts as a calming substrate, anti-anxiety and anti-cortisol.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
30% Off Fastin Until Sunday
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Friday, July 11, 2008
What are Healthy Bacteria Probiotics?
Probiotics have become increasingly popular especially as people are living longer and the stress that Americans put on their bodies. Probiotics are living healthy bacteria that are essential microorganisms found in your digestive system. Probiotics have been labeled "good bacteria" or "friendly bacteria" as not to confuse with most people's idea that all bacteria are harmful to your health. You many not know that probiotics are found in the food we eat.
There are many reasons why probiotics are paramount for healthy living. First, probiotics support the prevention of illness that attacks many American's immune systems. Second, probiotics restore the healthy bacteria (flora) back into your gut for optimal digestive functioning. Also, probiotics have bring the body back into balance from stress, poor diet choices, and physical activity.
Probiotics by definition are "live microorganisms, which, administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host." When looking at probiotics, it is important to understand that there are many different strains of probiotics needed for optimal health. Some of the top products on the market have over 16 active stains of different probiotics in their supplement formulations. Each strain plays an active role in your digestive and overall health.
Probiotics are not prebiotics which are non-digestible food substances that enhance the functioning of healthy microorganisms already found in your colon. Probiotics and prebiotics work together in your digestive system in a synergistic relationship.
One of the more common ways for people to get all the different strains of probiotics that they need is through high quality supplements. Probiotics can also be found in yogurt, certain milk products, miso, soy milk products, and tempeh. New, products have probiotics fortified during the preparation period when not found originally with the product.
Probiotics are made up of the good bacteria in your gut. Most probiotics come from two different groups of probiotics called Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. One of the most common probiotics is Lactobacillus acidophilus which is one of many different strains of probiotics. Some other probiotics like Saccharomyces boulardii are yeasts and not bacteria.
Stress, poor diet choices, physical activity, and the medications we take all reduce the number of healthy bacteria or probiotics in our digestive system. Your body is at risk for illness, digestive functioning issues, and reduced effectiveness of your immune system when probiotic levels are low in your gut. This is the main reason why probiotics have become popular in reason years, as almost all Americans found into at least one category for why probiotic levels can be low.
Sedona Labs is a manfuacturer of high quality probiotics like iFlora and iFlora for Women.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Five Easy Steps to Fat Loss and Building Lean Muscle Mass
Successfully building lean muscle tissue can be a challenge. So often people gain muscle only to add fat as well. With 5 simple steps you can add size without adding the weight you don't want.
1. Eat 4-6 small meals daily.
Spreading your calories out during the day keeps your metabolism moving and your energy levels high. "It may be the most important aspect in fat loss" says Bobby Hiatt, online fitness trainer. It's also important to make sure that each meal contains a balance of nutrients, namely protein, carbohydrate and fat. Good sources of protein include fish, lean meat, chicken, eggs, turkey, and whey protein. Preferred sources of carbohydrates include fruit, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Olive oil, nuts (including peanuts) and fish oils are a healthy source of fat. If you're too busy to cook and prepare regular high-protein, low-fat meals, then meal replacements (such as Max-Meal High Protein) and nutrition bars (like Cyclone Bars and Max-Meal bars) will help you to feed your body with the nutrients it needs to burn fat and build muscle.
2. Choose the right carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber (like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts). Highly refined carbohydrates like sugary cereals, cookies, chips, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars have little nutritional value and can easily be stored as body fat. Eat these foods in moderation only. If you have cravings for chocolate, Max-Meal bars will help to satisfy your cravings for rich, delicious food without making you feel guilty.
3. Don't forget completely about the fat.
Despite the hype in the 80's and 90's, fat IS an important part of everyone's diet and is necessary for fat loss. In fact, the latest research shows that CLA, a type of fat called Conjugated Linoleic Acid (known also as CLA), can make losing fat and building muscle faster and easier. CLA refers to a family of naturally occurring polyunsaturated fats found primarily in beef, lamb, and dairy products. Unlike stimulant-based fat burners, CLA is natural and safe. Many previous trials show that CLA also has potent muscle-building effects. Every fat cell in the body wants to get big. What the CLA does is force that fat cell to stay little by affecting a number of enzymes that are ordinarily responsible for filling it with lipids. In other words, CLA literally diverts the calories you eat away from fat and into muscle tissue. .
4. Don't cut your calories too low.
Drastic calorie cutting attempts usually result in failure. If you want lasting results and not just a quick fix, then your best bet is to reduce the number of calories in each meal, rather than skipping meals. A great and easy way to do this is by replacing some of the starchy carbohydrate in your diet with fruit and vegetables. For example, instead of having a bowl full of cereal, cut the serving size in half, and replace it with berries (such as strawberries or raspberries). Using whey protein (such as Promax) and water instead of milk will also help to increase the protein content of your diet.
5. Give yourself one cheat day per week.
If you are eating "clean" 6 days a week, you deserve a cheat day. Pick one day per week and save all your cravings for that special day. Make a chocolate dessert, or have some extra pasta with dinner. Whatever it is, after 6 days of keeping your diet in order you deserve a day of eating some of your favourite foods. Your body can handle it. Remember that you can't gain a significant amount of fat in just one day. It takes weeks of poor eating to add that weight.
Live Lean Today offers hot deals on online personal trainer, Superdrol NG, and more.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Core Abdominal Lean Strength Exercise
Friday, June 13, 2008
Why Core Fitness is Important
If you've listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you've probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you'll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.
While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don't use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our "core."
While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.
A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don't necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.
It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance. offers great deals on SciFit products and legal ephedra diet pills.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Exercise, Good Nutrition, Supplementation = Fat Loss
We know here at LIVE that exercise is the most effective method for instantly boosting metabolism. When weight loss is desired, combining exercise, proper diet and use of appropriate supplements naturally leads to maximum metabolic efficiency and the greatestg chance of results.
Both are absolutely essential. Effective diet which can include supplement intake should be your No. 1 priority. Here's why: Both your ability to exercise and your exercise results will naturally accelerate in the presence of proper nutrition. We tell the people that we are wokring with the 75% of your success will come from the nutrition side. Without proper diet, you won't be able to effectively access energy stores, nor will you be able replace nutrients lost during exercise. When that happens, metabolism declines. We have wonderful fat loss aids here at LIVE, like Yellow Subs, and we want you to take them when you are giving your body the best opportunity for results!
We deal with a lot of people who go to the gym almost religiously. Often, they spend hours working out, and still, over the course of months, they show little or no progress. Every day, they are there huffing and puffing - but they're still overweight in spite of their efforts. We also know people who work out far less and make amazing progress, and still others who maintain a healthy, lean look without even trying. Again, it can come down to the effective use of good diet with that exercise and the use of supplements that ensure the optimal delivery of nutrients for the goal, like Leukic by Muscletech.
Naturally, genetics are a key factor. But so is metabolism, and metabolism is inherently dependent on how you treat your body. If you attempt to exercise intensively without supporting your body's nutritional needs, you won't get very far.
Rest and relaxation, too, are every bit as important as action. Remember that under chronic stress or exhaustion, your body's nervous system (and thus your metabolism) suffers. Avoid compulsively long daily exercise routines. Instead, vary your workouts, including short, intense training sessions in the mix.
Many popular health gurus recommend moderate exercise, such as walking or gardening, as the best solution. Their reasoning is that moderate exercise puts less pressure on the body and the heart. Certainly, gentle exercise is good for you, and it results in less oxidation and fewer free radicals than intensive exercise, but it also limits the challenges you can approach and the level of fitness you can achieve.
I believe the best way to exercise is by providing your body with intense stimuli to which it will naturally adapt. Our body has the wisdom to adjust to physical strain by getting stronger and tougher. Through this adaptative process, the body improves it's own metabolic state.
Intense and short exercise intervals are also effective in pumping blood and oxygen to the entire body. Maximum oxygenation helps rejuvenate all body tissues and, again, this helps boost overall metabolism. A great Supplement that we sell that is perfect to help with short, intense bursts of energy is Cold fusion EX by LG Sciences.
If you haven't been exercising regularly and strenuously, don't try to force yourself to exercise with maximum intensity straight out of the gate. Instead, follow a constructive exercise routine in which you gradually increase intensity over a period of weeks or months. This is where the use of an online personal trainer comes into play.
Nourish your body, exercise intensely and get enough rest, and you can quickly reach a state of maximum metabolic efficiency. In this state, your body will efficiently burn body fat as fuel. Its base level of energy utilization will accelerate, and gradually, this will cause your body to naturally redesign itself.
When you reach maximum metabolic efficiency, you are literally re-creating yourself - at a cellular level - on an ongoing basis. Just because you weren't born with a super-fast metabolism doesn't mean you can't possess one. And just because you are carting around extra fat right now doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.
If you want to live in a young, vigorous, lean body, just give your body what it needs in order to reach a peak metabolic state: Eat well, exercise intensely, get enough rest. Most importantly, get to know your body from the inside out. Enjoy its power, respect its complexity, and it will repay you richly. offers real live support with their online fitness trainer programs, and discount prices on top nutritional products like Megadrine.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Why Core Fitness is Important
If you've listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you've probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you'll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.
While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don't use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our "core."
While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.
A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don't necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.
It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance. offers great deals on SciFit products and legal ephedra diet pills.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Stay Motivated and Lose Weighy by Training Like an Athlete
One of the challenges to people who are looking to improve their fitness is staying motivated until they reach their fitness goals. With about 9 in 10 people wanting to change their appearance (make that: lose weight) as their primary objective, getting all the way to the target weight and keeping those extra pounds off can prove to be much more difficult than some had originally bargained for.
One of the big obstacles that people face is the fact they have been out of shape for years when they decide to finally do something about their fitness, and once they do start working out, the fact that the results that they seek may take awhile and can feel like hard work will test their motivation to the limit. One of the big reasons people hire personal trainers is that, in addition to the education they can receive from a professional instructor, the trainer can create workouts that are consistently fun and engaging as well as an atmosphere of support. And this can keep a person taking on their fitness motivated all the way to the finish line.
As a personal trainer myself, I believe that one of the best tools to keeping a person really motivated all the way to their goal and target body weight is to set very specific guidelines as to what that goal is, and have the person working out be very excited about what reaching that goal can mean to them. If a person wants to lose 20 pounds, we will discuss in detail what losing 20 pounds can do for their life and how they will feel and be different when they get there. And we come back to this reason over and over again during the period of working toward that goal.
One thing that I found, though, in my career as a trainer is that frequently just having a goal about weight loss is insufficient to keep a person motivated all the way to the end. The reason is that the process of weight loss in a healthy way can be a slow one. Even if a person had a great week of training and eating well, their body may not have changed a lot anyway. That can leave them with a feeling of being unsuccessful, even though everything that they did that week was positive and will benefit them in the long run. So, I was left with the problem of having a person doing everything they need to be doing really well and actually feeling like they were successful even if they hadn't lost a lot of weight in a particular week.
The key is to get all people in the process of improving their fitness thinking like athletes, even if on a smaller scale than someone training for the Olympic Games. I believe that all people have the ability to experience their athleticism on some level, even those that have been out of shape for some time, and when they make a connection to their bodies that allow for this, they can get hooked on that experience and want more of it. They will see that improving their fitness itself feels good and can be fun on its own, and that it would be something they would enjoy doing whether they were losing weight doing it or not. Once a person gets to this level, the irony is that they will lose all the weight they want anyway because they are actually at a point where they will stick with the exercise.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to be a trainer in a couple of "weight loss" competitions sponsored by a local TV station here in Phoenix. Each of the two years that I participated, I worked with a person who was competing against three others to see who could make the biggest successful lifestyle change over a 5 month period. What the other trainers and I found over the length of the competition was that the people who ended up losing a significant amount of weight were the ones who got to the point that they realiozed that the weight loss was actually secondary in motivation to them feeling fit, athletic and healthy for the first time in a long time. All of the trainers worked with their clients using some techniques that were athletic in nature, similar to how an athlete on a sports team would train, with jumping and running drills, using medicine balls, playing basketball, etc. All of the successful participants said that once they realized they like feeling like they were athletes, they knew they would stick with the program for the rest of their lives.
I use the term "inner athlete" to describe this way of thinking, and I know that it works. Rather than having a client do just cardio, we may set a goal to have them do their first ever 5k road race in 3 months, and their cardio trains them for that in addition to helping them lose weight. Or they want to do a great hike in the coming summer, or their kids are now playing sports and they want to be able to play with them, so I do sports drills with them so they build the skills that any athlete at any age would want to have. These are the things that people like having whether they are losing weight or not, and the fact that this type of exercise helps them lose weight makes it all the better.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Start a New Holiday Tradition
It can be very challenging to organize a group picture. Getting family coordinated for a photo to use on Christmas Cards can be frustrating and a hassle. Avoid the trouble of getting family organized by taking photos when your family is already gathering at Thanksgiving!
What better time for a photo session than when your family is already dressed up and in great spirits after a delicious meal. For great holiday card photos you can capture candid shots or have a neighbor take a large group photo. If you are planning on using a picture of just your immediate family on your holiday photo card you can still take advantage of the situation and have another family member take the picture. This is your perfect opportunity to not be the one behind the camera!
Christmas is a great time to celebrate and start new traditions. Why not start the fun early with the tradition of coming up with a creative holiday card photo? Here are some fun ideas to get you started.
Baby playing with lights
Put your child on a dark blanket and give them a lighted string of Christmas lights to play with. Make sure all lights are off and utilize only natural light. Snap away while your baby inspects the lights. (Disclaimer- Christmas lights contain some lead so do not let your child put them in their mouth and wash your child's hands thoroughly after you take your photo). What can this look like?
Stealing Santa's Cookies
Place an empty plate of crumbs near your child dressed in holiday attire. A guilty look on their face is perfect if you can capture it. The goal if to make the photo look like your child is "stealing" Santa's cookies. You can caption your holiday photo card to say "I'm sorry Santa". Or a similar phrase.
Naughty and Nice
Combine a photo of your child looking sweet and angelic with a picture of your child mad and upset (Moms, you know we all have one!).
Christmas wreath
Hold a wreath and let your child pear through the opening. This makes for a classic stunning photo.
Our Christmas Gift came early
This idea is perfect for a new baby holiday birth announcement. Place your baby on some wrapping paper with a bow and caption your card "Our gift arrived early this year".
Ho Ho Ho
Let your baby play in the bath with a Santa hat on. Make a beard with bubbles and snap away!
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Have fun capturing that perfect moment!
Choose from a large selection of holiday cards and Christmas photo cards.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Staying Healthy While on the Road
Are you having trouble with travel related health problems? Want a vacation from your colds, flu, and other illnesses? You will perform much better for work, and have a lot more fun during pleasure vacations if you feel healthy while traveling. Here are a few tips for staying healthy and even achieving greater results while on the road.
Traveling can be a great way to get a rest from your normal routine and enjoy some new exercises. As a fitness trainer, I have found that on the road I typically have more time to workout if I chose to since I don't have the time with family and others as I do at home. Your traveling workout can become a time to get even better training sessions.
Get some sleep. In able to head of jet lag, try scheduling your east bound flights early and west bound flights late. This will ensure the least amount of disruption in your sleeping patterns, and in turn will preserve your travel health. Sleep is one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of fitness and weight loss.
Have produce handy. You can fend off gastrointestinal problems by having high fiber foods rather than stopping off at the fast food restaurants for burgers and fries.
Be germ conscious. It is no secret that planes are full of germs. Pack sanitizer and remember to wash up before eating.
Drink water. Planes create an arid environment that can dry out the mucous membranes, skin, and throat. Dehydration can also set in. Sports drinks can also replenish sodium and potassium that are lost in sweat.
Have extra vitamins on hand. Travel can be stressful, and extra vitamins will help to keep your immune system functioning at a high level.
This information certainly isn't breaking news, but it is amazing how many people are caught up in the business of being busy. Make taking care of yourself a priority at home and on the road. It will only serve you better when you need it most.
You can utilize fitness equipment that is easy to store in a suit case like resistance bands. Also, most hotels have a workout room. Even the smallest of workout equipment centers can allow you to get the workout you want.
For information about a fitness plan and supplements, consult with a personal fitness trainer and learn how a coach can help you get fit.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Why Core Fitness is Important
If you've listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you've probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you'll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.
While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don't use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our "core."
While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.
A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don't necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.
It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance. offers great deals on SciFit products and legal ephedra diet pills.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Top 6 Ideas to Pick the Perfect Wedding Dress
Everyone wants to look their best on their Wedding Day. Taking the time to find the right dress is essential. One great aspect now you can get great wedding dresses online which allow you to instantly pick all the right features for your perfect bridal gown. Listed below are the Top 6 Items to consider when making your decision on the right wedding dress for you.
Top 6 Decisions on Selecting the Perfect Wedding Dress
Picking the Right Color:
The color you pick is based on the color of your own skin; dark-skinned brunettes look best in ivory or beige wedding dresses, and light-skinned blondes look their best in a white pastel or pure white dress.
Chose the Right Length:
The type of wedding event you're putting on will affect your bridal gown's length. Full-length dresses are designed for formal weddings. At more informal weddings, which are normally smaller in size and production (most on second and greater weddings) the bride can look good in a knee-length gown/skirt. The skirt should cover the knees and drape at least one inch below the top of the kneecap. Ankle-length bridal gown is acceptable too, and it can be very classy, sexy, fashionable, and romantic.
What is the Right Silhouette:
The "silhouette" is known as the shape of the gown and how it fits your body. Common styles include the Princess and A-line, ball gown (mostly commonly called the Cinderella gown), sheaths, a mermaid shape, an empire silhouette, or a two-piece.
How Long Should the Train be:
The best trains are typically long ones, that can be detachable so that it won't get stepped on, ripped, or otherwise ruined during the reception.
Picking the Perfect Mood:
The mood of your bridal gown can be Romantic, Modern, Traditional, or Classic.
Get the Right Size:
Just like with other clothing options, when it comes to choosing a wedding gown, size is important. For brides petite to large, the size of a wedding dress is ordered based on measurements of bust, waist, hips and height. The right size makes every person feel beautiful on their special day.
Bridal Online Store has the highest fashion at the best prices on wedding dresses, bridesmaids dresses, and more.

Treat Yourself, But Don't Overdo It
Whether you're at the family barbecue, out with friends, or having dinner with colleagues, a time will come when temptation to cheat on your nutrition plan will present itself, and many will give in. I have this conversation with my clients frequently, and since the decision to indulge a little has already been made, I try to give tips for making better choices and still feel like you are treating yourself.
Soda or iced tea, or juice iced tea is regarded as the better choice simply due to the high levels of sugar and the carbonation in soda. Iced tea can certainly have sugar but if you have unsweetened, you can at least regulate how much. An 8oz glass of fruit juice is about 120 cal, 29 carbs and 26 grams of sugar, hardly considered a great alternative. All are bad for your teeth, and if you use lemon in your tea, the acidity can lead to cavities as sugar does in soda. One other note regarding soda, have you ever seen how easily soda takes corrosion off your car battery? Honestly I would choose water.
Alcohol light beer on average carries about 27% less calories than regular beer, with Michelob Ultra and Becks Premiere leading the way at less than 100 calories and 4 carbs. Red and white wine, on a list of over 100 averaged between 80-200 calories per glass. If you love a good mixed drink, keep this in mind if you're trying to watch your weight. A 12oz Margarita is around 680 cal, Pina Colada (650 cal), rum & coke (10oz, 356 cal). Of course the calories really add up when we add appetizers and have a few rounds. A couple drinks and a plate of potato skins may add up to your entire daily calorie allowance!
Eating out. Hmmm, way too many choices to be made here. But here are a few ideas for when you're out to dinner. Choose grilled when you can and ask for your meat to be prepared without oil or butter. Try losing the bun of your burger. And use mustard instead of mayo or special sauce. Mustard can add virtually no calories to your meal. Order salad dressing on the side, shy away from thick creamy dressings. Have ½ your meal wrapped to go before you're served. Choose a side of veggies rather than fries.
Don't forget dessert. This being my favorite category of food, sometimes it's hard avoiding overindulgence and still feel like I'm having a treat. So the only suggestion I will make in regards to dessert is choose whatever you like, but have a small portion. A few bites to satisfy our craving shouldn't hurt, overindulgence will. Maybe share that slice of pie with a friend.
Making the choice to eat healthier doesn't have to feel like you are being squeezed with restriction. A quality nutrition plan can include a day to relax and eat what you want. Sometimes, like on our cheat day, we can make healthy choices and still feel like we are treating ourselves.
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