You may not know that the question of paper or plastic is a far bigger question for eco friendly conscious people than you would think. The use of plastic bags is much more rampant in the market than paper bags because of many reasons and one such reason is that the cost of plastic bags is much less than the paper bags.
Manufacturing of Paper Bags:
The manufacturing of paper bags is a long and complicated process. These bags are made from the trees and they have their environmental cost as well. The use of trees for making these bags is not good for the environment and the forest habitat. This results into long run damage to the ecology. Also the cutting down of trees and carrying them to the manufacturing units requires the use of heavy machinery and the transportation then consumes much of the fuel. After these trees reach the desired place, there is a long process of drying the trees and extracting the pulp, then bleaching and washing of the pulp and adding the color, etc. This whole process requires a lot of resources which can be otherwise utilized for better reasons.
After Use of Paper bags:
There are different possibilities like either you can compost them or throw them or you can recycle these bags. The recycling is again a complicated and tricky process and requires the use of a lot of resources again.
Manufacturing of Plastic Bags:
Plastic bags are made completely differently from the paper bags. Plastic bags are the side products of oil and are produced by the refining process of oil. The big resource input which is used in the production of plastic bags is the energy in the form of electricity.
Recycling of the Plastic Bags:
Plastic bags are recycled but it is not an easy process and requires the melting and casting of the plastic again. This is also an energy consuming process and after the recycling, the quality of the plastic gets hard and this cannot be recycled again.
Which bag to use: Paper or Plastic?
The comparison between these two bags can be made by looking at the energy consumption, environment emissions and all other costs of recycling and production. According to some statistics, plastic bags are better as they consume less amount of energy and other air emissions while paper bags consume more resources than the plastic bags.
So to support the go green cause, the bags which consume less of the resources should be used.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Paper Bags or Plastic bags: Every Thing You Need to KnowYou may not know that the question of paper or plastic is a far bigger question for eco friend
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Arizona HOA Community Management Company Parker Finch Adds New HOA Client

Phoenix, Arizona Parker Finch Management, a leading HOA community management firm, has added a new community to its roster: Stratton Place, a 93 home single family community located in northeast Phoenix. The neighborhood features lush mature landscaping, community gazebo, playgrounds, community BBQ.
Stu Burton, President of Parker Finch Management of Phoenix, was looking forward to working with the community. “We are excited to have the opportunity to help this fine community reach their goal for their neighborhood,” said Burton. “Through our state-of-the-art systems and customer service, we will increase the homeowners’ property values and the sense of community within the association.”
Parker Finch Management, with several offices around the country, is a leader in the community association management industry. The company provides a comprehensive suite of services to homeowners associations as well as developers. The firm’s expertise, professionalism, and commitment to quality service are second to none which allows associations that partner with Parker Finch Management to experience a better community. For more information about Parker Finch, or to inquire about HOA Services for a community, please visit
Monday, January 18, 2010
Do 100% Organic Skin Care Products Exist?
Organic Products - The Present Scenario
"Going Organic" seems to be the new buzzword. Whether its Hollywood celebrities or The National Geographic, everyone is talking about how to go green and switch to organic products. So, while you are browsing the endless brands of lotions and creams on the supermarket shelf, you choose only the ones that say 'organic' or 'natural.' You go home in peace thinking you did your job, you choose right and you have nothing to worry about. Right? Well, we suggest, think again. Hundreds of organic skin care products are flooding the global skin care market every day. The credibility definitely becomes questionable.
The Organic Catch
Many of us become the target to the shrewd marketing gimmicks of skincare products manufacturing companies that mislead consumers by claiming to be organic, while the truth is harshly far from it. Most skin care products that declare themselves as being Organic, in reality may merely have a few organic ingredients blended with preservatives and chemical agents. Unfortunately, the loophole is in the system, since there is no rule what so ever, restricting companies from labeling their products as 'Natural' or 'Organic.'
Organic Skin Care Products - The Concept
The basic difference between an ordinary skincare product and an organic skincare product is that the organic products are made with organically grown ingredients. Therefore, unlike conventionally cultivated materials, which are exposed to harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organically grown materials are toxin free.
Organic Skin Care Products - Some Facts
When a skin care product is certified as 'Organic,' it generally contains 95% organic ingredients and 5% of inorganic materials, which belong to an approved National List.
When a product is certified as 'Made from Organic Ingredients,' it means it contains only 70% of organic ingredients and the other 30% contains inorganic materials from the approved National List.
Organic Purchase - The Pre-requisites
Taking into consideration all the facts it can be said that 100% pure organic products may not really exist. Still, we can definitely find the next best things for us. A few things to keep in mind before buying any organic products:
Read the Ingredients Carefully - If you cannot even pronounce a chemical's name, it maybe that it should not be there. If you are unsure about the ingredients, browse through the internet to find more information on them. Fact sheets on most chemicals can be found easily, online.
No Additives - True organic products should not contain any artificial colors, synthetic dyes, artificial fragrances, or preservatives.
Check Certification - Check for USDA (United States Departments of Agriculture) seal or ACO (Australian Certified Organic) logo on the products.