Monday, August 27, 2007

Protein Prices Increasing Market Wide

Throughout the country, higher dairy prices are trickling down to the consumer, from gallons of milk to an ice cream sundae. Industry experts say the prices are driven in part by foreign demand for American milk products, and ethanol producers competing for the same corn farmers use to feed livestock.

Recent price hikes in the dairy industry - beginning with whey protein - have also sent the cost of processed protein, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, ice cream and other products soaring throughout the country, dairy industry experts say. One result is that supplement manufacturers such as Foundation Nutriceuticals have been forced to increase the prices for their whey proteins, whey protein isolates and milk protein. This in turn this trickles down to national supplement companies like World Class Nutrition. They are forced to increase their prices to the customer. Mr Alexander from World Class Nutrition states "We made some large buys of protein at the pre-increase price levels but our supply has almost been depleted." Mr Alexander told us that once the word got out on the internet that one could still buy cheap protein, their sales increase by 400%.

Whey protein has become the premier form of protein used in nutritional products, shakes, and bars. Whey protein has one of the best absorption rates which has lead to its high demand. If you look on the label for any major product, you will see that whey is protein used in most cases.

Whey protein will still be the major protein of choice for athletes, bodybuilders, and people achieving weight loss. The only problem being the prices will be going up to something other than inflation. Whey protein still stands as the best protein choice for supplements.

Even with the rise in prices for whey protein, you still want to stay clear of soy protein. Studies have shown that high amounts of soy protein can lower your testosterone and increase your estrogen. Fatigue, lack of strength, and decreased libido have all been reported from soy protein consumption. These effects seem to affect men and women equally.

Consumers will never see the deep discount prices they have enjoyed for the past 2 decades. With Egg protein being in already short supply from the bird flu problems, bodybuilders and athletes will have little choice but to pay the price. Soy is a poor alternative to whey protein and soy causes a rise in estrogen which no athlete wants. Unfortuneately much like the price of gas, the high price of protein is here to stay.

World Class Nutrition offers low prices on the latest diet pills, bodybuilding supplements, and all nutritional products.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Food as Fuel to Stop Being Slugish and Tired During the Day

Do you have a tuff time making it through the day without getting sluggish and sleepy? Does it ever happen to you that once you sit down it is so hard to get back up as your energy is zapped? If so it is more common than you might think, and you are not alone. Most likely the reason for your lack of energy is the food you give your body as fuel.

Your diet plays a vital role in your relationship with your feeling of being tired or full of energy. As most people always think they eat too much, it may actually be that you are not getting enough energy which causes your problems. More metabolisms are slowing down due to a lack of food as fuel throughout the day than overeating.

If you fall into the one of following categories you are probably not fueling your body to its adequate demands: cutting carbs and meals to lose weight, eat high amounts of fast food, eat from convenience stores and vending machines, or use caffeine like coffee to make it through the day. Each one of these habits creates a lack of energy for your body which either stores the food into your fat cells or burns muscle tissue for energy.

The problem lies in that once we start eating with these destructive habits, it creates a harmful cycle. Once you go to fast food for lunch for example, your blood sugar will spike and store you food into your fat cells. Now, around 2-3 pm you start to feel sluggish and starving so you go on a Starbucks run to get a "pick me up." Though because you didn't get your body proper fuel, when you get home you are completely starving and you over eat dinner (especially when you count all the snacking because you are starving before you get to dinner). For many people the cycle starts over again tomorrow. This same cycle happens with people who cut calories and carbs to lose weight.

Most people if you ask them know what to eat, so why don't we do it? It is just a matter of will power right? The answer lies deeper than that. Once you have a bad choice for the day your body will force you to make poor choices because of the negative physiologically going on inside.

The biggest key to getting your energy and metabolism back on track is breakfast. I know you have probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, though it is the truth. If you eat a sensible breakfast low in saturated fats and low in simple sugars, you can get your energy burning off on the right track. You will know it is the right track because you will feel hungry in 2-3 hours which is good. This means your metabolism is working and wants more energy to keep burning. When you fuel your metabolism you will train your body to burn fat as its major source of fuel.

Prepare ahead of time is the only way to ensure success. Pick items at the grocery store that you know will be something you can eat in your lifestyle for healthy snacks. You may need to bring your meals and snacks with you to work. Believing that you will be able to just make good choices at spur of a moment is false thinking.

Pick foods high in antioxidants. Antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains remove harmful toxins out of your body which can cause cellular damage and affect your health and energy. With greater stress comes greater build up of toxins in your body. I recommend taking an antioxidant supplement on a daily basis. It may keep you from creating metabolic syndrome from too many toxins in the body. Metabolic syndrome is the leading cause of heart disease, cancer, and strokes in this country.

World Class Nutrition offers the lowest prices on diet pills, bodybuilding supplements, and all nutritional needs.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Speed LG Sciences Review

Better than Ephedra and Safer, too!

If SPEED was any more potent; someone would make it illegal. But it’s not. SPEED™ is 100% legal and makes a unbelievable substitute for your favorite ephedra compound. It beats ephedra for melting off that blubber, killing cravings, and destroying your appetite so you can finally see every can in your sixpack.

Our exclusive, patented ingredient, "Cyclicone, uses the most powerful stimulant ever developed – and one you’ll ONLY find in SPEED™. Cyclicone acts like nicotine to melt away fat but unlike nicotine, it’s completely non-addictive and safe. Have you ever seen how the Nicotine Patch effects weight loss? It’s crazy. The pounds seem to absolutely drop off. One small problem – Nicotine is highly addictive. SPEED is not...

What if we could give you the complete fat loss and appetite suppressing effects of nicotine without the negative side effects, without addiction? SPEED gives you all the benefits of nicotine without any of the problems. It’s the most amazing stimulant and fat burner on the market.

We like to call SPEED, Fat’s Worst Nightmare in a Bottle.
When you combine Cyclicone with the most powerful stimulants on the market, you’ll get a fat burning meltdown. We add Synephrine, a well-known fat burner that burns fat exponentially when combined with Cyclicone. They burn hotter together than apart so you get a roaring blaze of melting blubber. Then, we add caffeine and theobromine to turn the heat WAY UP so you get the most potent fat burner on the market today - with no negative side effects. You’ll get clean, powerful energy that you can feel all the way to your toes.

You can’t find anything stronger on the market. Only SPEED™ can rival the potency of banned EPHEDRINE and give you a energy spike that will rocket you through your workouts. Don’t waste your time with the same old crap, thrown in a bottle. Trust LG Sciences for the most innovative and effective supplements available. Try SPEED and watch the fat burn!

With SPEED, you
• Increase Your Metabolism
• Burn Fat like a Human Furnace
• Suppress Your Appetite
• Improve Mental Alertness

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

10 Steps, Obesity, Overcome Your Personal Battle

Fighting obesity can be difficult not only physically, but psychologically as well. Failed attempts at losing weight can take its toll on your body and mind and it is crucial to prepared mentally and physically in order to successfully lose weight. The programs and their support system focus not only on creating an excellent fitness program, but invest a lot of time working with clients on the psychological side of fighting obesity. The following is a set of steps, some in preparation and some to be used through out the program to ensure success.

1. Recognizing the programs that run you

What are the things that hold you back? What are the excuses you make? What are the behaviors you engage in that keep you from obtaining what you want? People always say "Commit to change." Well easier said than done. It's very difficult to commit to going somewhere when we don't recognize where we are or where we've been. I learned that programs are the hard wiring within you that drives your thoughts and actions. Programs certainly can't be changed overnight, but you can reflect on what hurdles you create that make it difficult for you to be successful with your weight loss goals. Lack of self confidence can lead to procrastination and excuses. This is a program that affects many. Recognize your programs, behaviors, and attitudes and you'll better understand where you've been and where you are. Then you can move forward and begin reaching your goals.

2. Commit

Do what you say you are going to do. Have a plan and commit to executing it. Make your goals realistic, focus on short achievements, and celebrate small successes along the way. Have a goal of consistency. Your plan should include committing to consistent activity. Make a goal to drink 8 glasses of water a day or have a goal of adding a vegetable to every dinner meal during the weekdays. Success in these short term achievements will reap rewards in your long term weight loss goals.

3. Support system

Success is easy to attain when you have people around you. Tell your family, friends, co-workers that you have a weight loss goal, and let them help. Work with a Personal Trainer or Registered Dietician and let them help. A support system can come in the form of encouragement, companionship, and accountability, and can make your road to weight loss success much more enjoyable.

4. Sensible goals

Know your body, and be honesty with yourself about what is real. If you haven't already, consult a physician regarding what is realistic. You can also test to rule out any obstacles medically related to weight loss such as under active thyroid or food allergies that could inhibit your weight loss.

5. Consistency

Most important to any exercise program is consistency. With a little consistency you can develop habits, and then you'll be less likely to regress. You will reach your weight loss goals faster when you stay on track and don't let your hurdles get in the way. This goes for your diet as well. It's ok to have a cheat day, but make it just one. If you are consistent, you will get results.

6. Use portion control

5 small meals a day is the best way to speed up your metabolism, regulate blood sugar levels, curb hunger binges, and ultimately lose weight.

7. Eat fiber rich foods

Foods that are rich in fiber tend to be filling; therefore people will feel full and not eat as much. Studies have also found that a diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease, digestive problems and diabetes.

8. Cut calorie dense foods

Foods that have a high content of salt, sugar and flour can also be densely packed with calories. Twizzlers have over 250 calories in a small package, a half order of pasta with Alfredo sauce has 680 calories at many Italian chain restaurants, and a bagel has over 300 calories without cream cheese or butter. High salt content is found in calorie dense, low fiber, processed foods. Too much salt can lead to elevated blood pressure and is also associated with hindering weight loss.

9. Have an activity

There is no better way to maintain consistency in reaching your health and fitness goals than having an activity. When you enjoy doing something, it isn't work anymore. Activities such as hiking, swimming, cycling, racquetball and rock climbing are great examples of activities that can add versatility to your fitness program.

10. Work Hard!

Losing any significant amount of weight is not easy. Any good program will have a nice mixture of high and low intensity workouts with rest cycles built in. But I have seen too many people going through the motions of a workout and they never even break a sweat. Your body will respond to the stimulus that you create and will respond to loads and intensity. To keep your body from hitting a plateau, you must constantly challenge your body and find new ways to create stimulation to adapt to. With constant stimulation and variety will come consistent results.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is President of LIVE, llc of - visit the website for more information on weight loss, core fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal trainer and dietician services. For more information on products go to

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Today's Hottest Fat Burning Supplements for Men and Women

It's summertime! The time of year when you want to show the most, feel the best and look ripped! In conjunction with a rigorous fitness plan and a healthy, well balanced diet, fat burning supplements have become an excellent way to optimize your results. It may just make the difference between getting to your goal a little sooner, or even surpassing your body fat goal by a few extra percentage points. Just as in weight training programs and diets, there is individuality that allows different people to get results in different ways, the same goes for supplements as well. So to help you make a better informed decision regarding what fat burners are best for you, here is some additional information about fat burning supplements, and what are the most popular supplements on the market today for both men and women wanting to make the most of achieving that slim summer look.

Calotren Liquid Weight Loss Formula

Calotren is an all natural protein formula that comes in liquid form, therefore it is easier to absorb and works faster than most capsules and tablets. This formula assists the body in burning unwanted body fat naturally without the use of stimulants, tricking the body, or by starvation and severe calorie reduction. It just simply supports the natural fat burning ability of the body and allows you to burn sugar more efficiently.

The protein formula found in Calotren is also naturally occurring in the body. It serves a role of supporting the integrity of our muscles and joints and their ability to absorb impact. It is also linked to giving us a younger appearance as it supports healthy skin. This protein is already broken down and is readily absorbed when taken orally and its integration helps build muscle efficiently and in turn, burns fats and sugar efficiently as well. There are no stimulants such as caffeine, it is ephedra free and there are no known side effects of using Calotren as a weight loss supplement. Other benefits of Calotren supplementation may include: decrease catabolism of muscle tissue, improved workout recovery with shortened rest times between intense session, no adverse effects from stimulants such as jitters or irratic sleep patterns, increased energy, loss of body fat, and healthy younger looking skin.

Take Calotren with water, usually 1 tblsp with a glass of water before bed and it should be outside of a 3 hr time frame of not eating to allow Calotren to work more effectively. You may take another serving in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach to optimize fat burning. Calotren is unique in that it offers no stimulants, something that is hard to find in fat burning supplements that work.

Lean Out by Beverly International

Lean Out is a lipotropic formula that comes in a capsule form containing L-carnitine, Co-enzyme 10 and Chromium Picolinate. Co-enzyme 10 is an important fat soluble antioxidant that protects substances like cholesterol from oxidation, or the process of it being deposited on arterial walls. L-Carnitine serves two major functions as it relates to fat burning and fitness. The metabolism of BCAA's and burning fat. L-Carnitine is required for the transportation of fatty acids into the mitochondria where they serve for energy production while sparing muscle glycogen or sugar. A deficiency in Carnitine causes fatty acids to accumulate in the blood and ultimately result in more fat deposits. And many times this occurs right where you have the greatest accumulation and where you least likely would want it. In summary, L-Carnitine shifts your fuel source toward fat and thus leaves amino acids and glycogen available to build lean muscle tissue.

The dosage for Lean Out and L-Carnitine supplementation is 2-4 grams in 3-6 daily doses on an empty stomach taken with water. You may find it best to cycle this supplement in a 3 week on 1 week off cycle for optimal results.

Slim Quick by NxCare

Slim Quick by NxCare was specially created for women wanting to burn fat and have a lean look. It is considered the best weight loss product of its kind, and designed to work for a woman's body to effectively burn fat. The quality ingredients are designed to overcome hormonal barriers that prevent most women from losing weight.

For best results, in conjunction with a fitness program and healthy eating plan, Slim Quick should be taken on an empty stomach with water. One capsule in the morming before breakfast and one capsule 6 hours later. As with any supplements, they are most effective when used in conjunction with a complete fitness plan and healthy, well balanced diet. No fat burning supplement can help you lose weight and burn fat exclusively, exercise is a must. But for those who wish to optimize their results, get an edge on competition, and accelerate their fat burning ability, a fat burning supplement is the way to go. For professional advice on fitness program, diet information and nutritional supplements, is your home to help you become fit for life.

Find personal trainer, fitness, and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.