Monday, June 30, 2008

Five Easy Steps to Fat Loss and Building Lean Muscle Mass

Successfully building lean muscle tissue can be a challenge. So often people gain muscle only to add fat as well. With 5 simple steps you can add size without adding the weight you don't want.

1. Eat 4-6 small meals daily.

Spreading your calories out during the day keeps your metabolism moving and your energy levels high. "It may be the most important aspect in fat loss" says Bobby Hiatt, online fitness trainer. It's also important to make sure that each meal contains a balance of nutrients, namely protein, carbohydrate and fat. Good sources of protein include fish, lean meat, chicken, eggs, turkey, and whey protein. Preferred sources of carbohydrates include fruit, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Olive oil, nuts (including peanuts) and fish oils are a healthy source of fat. If you're too busy to cook and prepare regular high-protein, low-fat meals, then meal replacements (such as Max-Meal High Protein) and nutrition bars (like Cyclone Bars and Max-Meal bars) will help you to feed your body with the nutrients it needs to burn fat and build muscle.

2. Choose the right carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber (like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts). Highly refined carbohydrates like sugary cereals, cookies, chips, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars have little nutritional value and can easily be stored as body fat. Eat these foods in moderation only. If you have cravings for chocolate, Max-Meal bars will help to satisfy your cravings for rich, delicious food without making you feel guilty.

3. Don't forget completely about the fat.

Despite the hype in the 80's and 90's, fat IS an important part of everyone's diet and is necessary for fat loss. In fact, the latest research shows that CLA, a type of fat called Conjugated Linoleic Acid (known also as CLA), can make losing fat and building muscle faster and easier. CLA refers to a family of naturally occurring polyunsaturated fats found primarily in beef, lamb, and dairy products. Unlike stimulant-based fat burners, CLA is natural and safe. Many previous trials show that CLA also has potent muscle-building effects. Every fat cell in the body wants to get big. What the CLA does is force that fat cell to stay little by affecting a number of enzymes that are ordinarily responsible for filling it with lipids. In other words, CLA literally diverts the calories you eat away from fat and into muscle tissue. .

4. Don't cut your calories too low.

Drastic calorie cutting attempts usually result in failure. If you want lasting results and not just a quick fix, then your best bet is to reduce the number of calories in each meal, rather than skipping meals. A great and easy way to do this is by replacing some of the starchy carbohydrate in your diet with fruit and vegetables. For example, instead of having a bowl full of cereal, cut the serving size in half, and replace it with berries (such as strawberries or raspberries). Using whey protein (such as Promax) and water instead of milk will also help to increase the protein content of your diet.

5. Give yourself one cheat day per week.

If you are eating "clean" 6 days a week, you deserve a cheat day. Pick one day per week and save all your cravings for that special day. Make a chocolate dessert, or have some extra pasta with dinner. Whatever it is, after 6 days of keeping your diet in order you deserve a day of eating some of your favourite foods. Your body can handle it. Remember that you can't gain a significant amount of fat in just one day. It takes weeks of poor eating to add that weight.

Live Lean Today offers hot deals on online personal trainer, Superdrol NG, and more.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Why Core Fitness is Important

If you've listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you've probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you'll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.

While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don't use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our "core."

While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.

A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don't necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.

It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance. offers great deals on SciFit products and legal ephedra diet pills.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Exercise, Good Nutrition, Supplementation = Fat Loss

We know here at LIVE that exercise is the most effective method for instantly boosting metabolism. When weight loss is desired, combining exercise, proper diet and use of appropriate supplements naturally leads to maximum metabolic efficiency and the greatestg chance of results.

Both are absolutely essential. Effective diet which can include supplement intake should be your No. 1 priority. Here's why: Both your ability to exercise and your exercise results will naturally accelerate in the presence of proper nutrition. We tell the people that we are wokring with the 75% of your success will come from the nutrition side. Without proper diet, you won't be able to effectively access energy stores, nor will you be able replace nutrients lost during exercise. When that happens, metabolism declines. We have wonderful fat loss aids here at LIVE, like Yellow Subs, and we want you to take them when you are giving your body the best opportunity for results!

We deal with a lot of people who go to the gym almost religiously. Often, they spend hours working out, and still, over the course of months, they show little or no progress. Every day, they are there huffing and puffing - but they're still overweight in spite of their efforts. We also know people who work out far less and make amazing progress, and still others who maintain a healthy, lean look without even trying. Again, it can come down to the effective use of good diet with that exercise and the use of supplements that ensure the optimal delivery of nutrients for the goal, like Leukic by Muscletech.

Naturally, genetics are a key factor. But so is metabolism, and metabolism is inherently dependent on how you treat your body. If you attempt to exercise intensively without supporting your body's nutritional needs, you won't get very far.

Rest and relaxation, too, are every bit as important as action. Remember that under chronic stress or exhaustion, your body's nervous system (and thus your metabolism) suffers. Avoid compulsively long daily exercise routines. Instead, vary your workouts, including short, intense training sessions in the mix.

Many popular health gurus recommend moderate exercise, such as walking or gardening, as the best solution. Their reasoning is that moderate exercise puts less pressure on the body and the heart. Certainly, gentle exercise is good for you, and it results in less oxidation and fewer free radicals than intensive exercise, but it also limits the challenges you can approach and the level of fitness you can achieve.

I believe the best way to exercise is by providing your body with intense stimuli to which it will naturally adapt. Our body has the wisdom to adjust to physical strain by getting stronger and tougher. Through this adaptative process, the body improves it's own metabolic state.

Intense and short exercise intervals are also effective in pumping blood and oxygen to the entire body. Maximum oxygenation helps rejuvenate all body tissues and, again, this helps boost overall metabolism. A great Supplement that we sell that is perfect to help with short, intense bursts of energy is Cold fusion EX by LG Sciences.

If you haven't been exercising regularly and strenuously, don't try to force yourself to exercise with maximum intensity straight out of the gate. Instead, follow a constructive exercise routine in which you gradually increase intensity over a period of weeks or months. This is where the use of an online personal trainer comes into play.

Nourish your body, exercise intensely and get enough rest, and you can quickly reach a state of maximum metabolic efficiency. In this state, your body will efficiently burn body fat as fuel. Its base level of energy utilization will accelerate, and gradually, this will cause your body to naturally redesign itself.

When you reach maximum metabolic efficiency, you are literally re-creating yourself - at a cellular level - on an ongoing basis. Just because you weren't born with a super-fast metabolism doesn't mean you can't possess one. And just because you are carting around extra fat right now doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.

If you want to live in a young, vigorous, lean body, just give your body what it needs in order to reach a peak metabolic state: Eat well, exercise intensely, get enough rest. Most importantly, get to know your body from the inside out. Enjoy its power, respect its complexity, and it will repay you richly. offers real live support with their online fitness trainer programs, and discount prices on top nutritional products like Megadrine.