Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Do Antioxidants Work?

In this contemporary world no one has spare time to spend some enjoyable moments with family and friends. Every one has a busy schedule which many times lead to disturbance of health. It is a fact that health needs proper care. But due to lack of time and business we fail to provide complete nutrition to our body. As we all know that our body requires proper amount of vitamins and minerals to work properly. Vitamins and minerals help in making thousands of hormones, enzymes and other chemicals which helps in proper functioning of our body. These vitamins and minerals also have another role to play in our body. They act as antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants are those which help in improving health and in addition also protect the body from several chronic diseases like cancer, HIV etc. Some of the foods which are rich in antioxidants are pomegranates, blueberries, dark chocolate, Green tea etc. Many people ask the question about how antioxidants work.

If you also want to know that how do antioxidants work, then read on this article till the end as it can give you some useful information about the question "how do antioxidants work". Antioxidants are the substances which capture the free radicals in our body thus protect our body from several diseases. Antioxidants are vital for our body as lack of antioxidants in the body can make us more prone to diseases. Before studying that how do antioxidants work, first let us learn that what free radicals are. Free radicals are basically unstable oxygen atoms which are generally produced by several natural processes of our body or by the adverse effects of several toxins like smoke of cigarette. Free radicals are very harmful for our body cells as they are very reactive but they are also being used by our immune system to fight against various harmful bacteria. Free radicals can also cause cancer in our body and can also lead to several heart diseases. So, it is very essential that we should have plenty of antioxidants in our body so that all the free radicals can be captured.

Basically there are three vitamins that can be considered as antioxidants. They include vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A (beta-carotene). However, there are some more substances which have antioxidant properties. These substances can include flavonoids (fruits and vegetables), trace mineral etc. Antioxidants works as body's natural defense against the free radicals present inside our body. Let us learn something more about how do antioxidants work. Basically antioxidants are the enzymes that move around our body cells in search of free radicals. Whenever they find any free radical in the body, they capture it and neutralize it. In this process of neutralizing the free radicals, the antioxidants do not damage themselves. After neutralizing the free radical, the antioxidant removes the radical from the circulation.

Now you must have learned that how do antioxidants work. But the major thing which you have to keep in mind is that in order to capture all the free radicals in your body you should have plenty of antioxidants that is vitamin A, C, E and several fruits and vegetables. The reason of this is that because if your body will not have proper amount of minerals and vitamins, then your body will not be able to produce sufficient amount of antioxidants because of which you will become more prone to diseases. This will also allow the free radicals to damage your body from inside which can lead to several chronic diseases. So, it is recommended that one should take in those food stuffs which have plenty of antioxidants as it helps us in fighting various diseases and also helps us in maintaining a good health.

Now you have completely learned that how do antioxidants work. But taking in antioxidants in right amount is not enough for maintaining a proper health. You should also perform regular workouts so that you can increase your rate of metabolism which ultimately helps in keeping yourself fit. You should also avoid fatty foods as it leads to obesity. You can also take help of physiotherapist or dietitians to maintain a proper amount of antioxidants in your body.

If you still have any doubt that how do antioxidants work then you can take help of several books that can provide you a detail study about antioxidants.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on More Milk Plus and Organic Teddy Bear

Thursday, November 12, 2009

5 Key Elements to Successful Multi Level Marketing with the Trump Network

The Trump Network is a new multi level marketing opportunity being launched by Donald Trump. The exciting part about this opportunity is two fold. First, Donald Trump is in a pre-launch phase which makes this one of more financially rewards times to join. Second, the Trump Network has the already existing brand name recognition of Donald Trump.

If you have never joined a multi level marketing (MLN) campaign before there are key indicators that determine if the venture will be a success. For those that have been a part of other MLM opportunities I encourage you to read on to see if the Trump Network fits what you are looking for.

5 Key Elements to Successful Multi Level Marketing with the Trump Network

The first key element is branding. If you have ever been a part of a MLM you would have experienced how difficult they can be when the products or company are brand new to everyone. It isn't that the company or products don't work; it is just the newness that makes it hard to join.

The second key element is the compensation plan. I believe they make the diagrams and instructions for compensation so difficult so people can't completely understand how to make money. The Trump Network has developed an easy to follow and one of the most lucrative comp plans in the industry today.

The third item is people need to experience what they are buying. Have you ever seen products that you have to trust are working inside your body? One of the key marketing products is the Silhouette Solution which is a cutting edge weight loss program that utilizes small meals to increase metabolism and lose real weight. Tangible results are the easiest types of products to market.

The fourth item the marketing strategy. Most MLM programs you are on your own to develop your marketing strategy. What the winning opportunities present is proven strategies by real network marketing experts. Knowing what it really takes to be successful is the difference between achieving real financial freedom.

The fifth item is teamwork. People who do everything by themselves never reach their true potential. By working as a team with successful business owners and marketers you can share ideas and proven methods for greater and faster income.

The Trump Network has the ability to generate large sums of extra income as it holds all key elements. The goal is for you to take the energy to make a difference in your financial situation and start earning extra income by joining.

The Diamond Developement Team has created a team of expert marketers to achieve financial success with the Trump Network and its compensation plan.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to Determine the Value of Your Gold Coins

Gold has been mankind's most desirable asset for more than 3,000 years. It freely circulated as everyday money - except during times of great economic turmoil - from the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans right up to 1933. Until that year, the value of the great majority of gold coins was the same as their face value. That meant a $20 gold coin could be freely exchanged for 20 one-dollar bills. And 20 one-dollar bills could be exchanged for one $20 gold coin. It was a two-way system that promoted a stable value for our money.

That era ended in 1933. As part of his effort to re-inflate our economy from the depths of the depression, President Roosevelt recalled all circulating gold coins. He had his Treasury Department melt them and send the newly formed ingots to Fort Knox for storage. Then Roosevelt revalued gold, in a series of steps, from its pre-1933 value of $20 to $35 per ounce.

The Market for Gold Coins Changes

Literally overnight, a $20 gold coin contained more than $20 worth of gold. Owners of the limited number of coins that survived the federal recall order, primarily collectors and overseas banks, wondered how to determine the value of their gold coins. Were they only worth their gold value, or would the government's efforts turn once-common issues into scarce and rare dates?

Today we know the answer to that question. The government's massive melting of our circulating $1, $2.50, $5, $10, and $20 gold coins created hundreds of rarities out of coins with original mintage that suggest easy availability. Here's one example: the Philadelphia Mint struck 2.9 million $20 gold coins in 1931, one of the higher mintage of the 1907-1933 series. Based strictly on its original mintage, the 1931-P should be easily available and not too expensive. Thanks to the government's melting, all 1931-P $20 gold coins are rare and extremely valuable.

Gold Coin Values Today

Speed forward to 2009. All U.S. gold coins minted before 1933 are worth FAR more than their face value, and many are worth FAR more than their bullion (metallic) value. That's true because the number of collectors of U.S. gold coins of the pre-1933 era has expanded tremendously. At the same time, the available supply of these coins has remained relatively unchanged. Because rare coin market values are set by the interaction of supply and demand, the long-term value of pre-1933 U.S. gold coins has shown a distinctly rising trend.

So how can you determine the value of your pre-1933 U.S. gold coins?

We live in an age of tremendous availability of information. Early in the last century, collectors and investors were content to determine their gold coins' value by following (and interpreting) auction results. In the late 1940s, publishers began offering a once per year guide book that listed values for every U.S. coin. Then monthly publications were introduced, providing ads and estimated market values. Then weekly coin newspapers, filled with articles, auction results, and market commentaries, were established. Today we have all of these sources, plus the information on the Internet.

All of these sources, when you know how to use and interpret them, are extremely valuable. All of these sources can help you determine the value of each gold coin you own. But none is perfect. Each has its own quirks and its own idiosyncrasies.

The single best way to determine the retail or wholesale value of your pre-1933 U.S. gold coins is to have your trusted adviser perform a professional review, this will provide your most dependable estimate of value.

Determine the Value of Bullion Gold Coins

Bullion gold coins, like American Eagles and Canadian Maple Leafs, are struck by governments for sale to investors through a network of distributors and wholesalers. They are minted in unlimited numbers, so scarcity is not a factor in determining their value. That means the value of gold bullion coins can be easily determined with reasonable accuracy on any day.

To determine the value of your gold bullion coins, you need to know their pure gold weight and the spot (or cash) value of gold. Determining a gold coin's weight is usually simple: the coin's design should state them. If it does not, contact your coin dealer.

Once you know your bullion gold coin's pure gold content, it's time to identify the market value for an ounce of gold. For today's value, contact your broker. Your broker provides up to the minute bid and ask prices for spot gold, as well as spot silver, platinum, and palladium.

Now you know the weight of your coin and the value of an ounce of pure gold. To learn your coin's pure gold value, simply multiply the two numbers. For example: you want to know the value of a half-ounce American Eagle gold bullion coin. You know the pure gold content (one half ounce) because it is stated on the coin. You locate gold's current market value, and find it is $950 per ounce. Multiplying one-half (your coin's pure gold contents) times $950 (gold's current market value) yields a gold value of $475 for your coin. Market premiums, distribution charges, and dealer commissions will vary and will affect your coin's value, so be sure to consider them when determining your coin's value.

American Eagles, the world's most popular gold bullion coins, are guaranteed for their content and purity by the United States government. Their value is primarily determined by the price of gold, which fluctuates throughout the day.

Contact ITM Trading Senior Analyst for how to buy Gold coins or more information on buying Gold for Investment.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Top 5 Solutions to Problems with HOA Boards

So, you have a problem with your home owner association (HOA) or its board members. The general rule which seems to apply to most people's feelings as it relates to HOAs are follow the rules or its time to move. What happens when you feel your HOA has outdated policies or you have been treated unfairly? The following at 10 things you can do for solutions with your HOA board.

You do have to keep in mind that you singed a contract as it states with your home owner association so these solutions don't work if you simply are made you can't have a gazebo in your backyard. Those issues and others like it are policies that you would need to have your board members approve. The solutions we are mentioning below are for when you feel that the HOA has acted capricious or in a vindictive manner.

5 Solutions to Problems with HOA Board

1. If you read newspaper columns for advice they will tell you to work it out with your HOA board members. You do have to keep in mind that these columns are typically written by lawyers who represent HOA boards so they are not the best source of info for the home owner themselves. It is still important to attempt to work any issues out directly before taking further course of action.

2. You need to know your bylaws. If you want a state official to help you solve your issue you need to know exactly what you are talking about. Many people don't get far with their cases against HOA boards as their information is filled with emotion more than facts on how HOA bylaws were broken.

3. If there are board members who are apathetic to your situation you can use them to hold special meetings and replace vindictive board of directors. It is important that all policies on these proceedings are followed for them to work.

4. You need to keep all documentation with correspondences between you and the HOA or the HOA's attorneys. You want to get to proof of your violations though you have to realize you will also need proof of your innocence. Just as you want the HOA to have all the documentation, so will you if you are to win your case. If you ever need your own lawyer, the lawyer will need proof to be able to defend your interest.

5. Most issues with home owner associations are consistent courses of action that are in violation or patterns of now working with home owners. You can recommend professional community services take over your HOA's management services which is usually better for both the HOA board members themselves and the individual home owners. Professional community management services are experts in how to handle home owner concerns so that both parties understand and win in the end.

Parker Finch is a professional community management company offering services for HOA board members in Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Going green - how do you know if a product is green?

If you want to help the environment and go green, here are some tips to get you started. Why go green at all? What exactly is green? How do you know which items to purchase? There are many people out there looking to cash in on the green fad. How to shop safely.

So, do you really want to do your part? Do you want to help the environment, the economy and future generations? Everyone is going green these days and it's a good thing. It shows that people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the world around them. There are so many things that our society wastes. We waste food, water, building materials such as wood from trees and many many more. It's disgusting when you think about all of that money wasted. Think of the time that's wasted too. If you don't change the way you live and shop - you will be leaving the world in a terrible state for future generations.

Do you want to go green? What exactly is going green? What exactly makes a product a green product? If you check the label or item description from the manufacturer - you should see no harmful chemical. All of the ingredients and materials should be easily found in the earth. They should be made using natural processes. Don't buy products that were made in a lab using all kinds of nasty substances. Going green means saying no to harmful toxins and unsafe chemicals in your home or workplace.

Green products must be made using methods that are environmentally friendly. There's more to going green than just leaving out toxic chemicals. We must use methods to produce our goods and services that are sustainable. Think about some of the factories you have seen. They produce a lot of items. They also produce a lot of waste material. It seems like madness when you really think about it. There is absolutely no reason to be spending more just to produce less. Don't let the big guys at the top play with your future, just so they can make a few quick dollars. Green products are products that are good for the earth, the economy and everyone on it. If this isn't true about a product that a manufacturer is offering - it's not green. Don't buy it!

Go green and do your part for our environment.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic toys, organic iced tea, and more.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to Prevent White Spots While Tanning

Due to personal preferences or need, many people resort to indoor or sun tanning. Sometimes, the process of tanning leads to some side effects, white spots (Tinea versicolor) being among the most common ones. Various factors can trigger white spots on skin. Some of them are:

Pressure points

The indoor tanning lotions promote blood circulation to the skin, which helps in carrying more melanin to the epidermis, thereby increasing skin tan. When you lie in a tanning bed, your body position entails some areas being in constant contact with the bed and subject to more pressure than other areas. This pressure due to body weight reduces the flow of blood in those regions. Melanin action

On the account of a genetic disorder, Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis, the epidermal layer partially fails to produce melanin. Therefore, there are some patches or spots on the skin, which are affected so. Artificial tanning procedures also fail to stimulate pigmentation in these areas and they begin to appear white more prominently due to the increased tan of the neighboring area. So far, no cure could be found for this syndrome. Fungus

Sometimes an innocuous fungal growth, due to heat, humidity, and resultant sweating also becomes a factor in creating white spots from tanning. The simple explanation is that such fungal growth prevents light from entering the affected area and minimizes or prevents pigmentation.

Prescription drugs

Some medicines, such as antibiotics (especially tetracycline), hormone replacement drugs (especially birth control pills), and certain strong prescription drugs can adversely affect, a condition called the photo sensitivity of skin. This leads to uneven pigmentation, freckled appearance, and white spots from tanning.

Except for some kinds of genetic disorder, the problem of developing white spots from tanning can successfully be addressed. You can consider the following options, depending upon the cause of such reaction:

Medical help

Do not shy away from medical help or ignore white spots from tanning as trivial. For a correct diagnosis, a thorough medical checkup is necessary, as the white spots can well be the indications of other more complex problems, or the tanning side effects of serious nature.

Changing position

It is advisable to change body posture occasionally, when you lie in a tanning bed. Try to expose the different sides of the body during one tanning session. Use of a sunless tanning spray can also help in this situation, as it does not require a tanning bed and eliminates the possibility of uneven pressure.

Treatment for fungus

The regular, non-infectious type of fungus, usually, has various remedies, such as herbal extracts, ointments, therapeutic toiletries, and oral medication.


If you are prescribed some medication and are regular on skin tanning, do let your doctor know about it and understand any possible interference of the drugs.

Save On Tans offers discount tanning prices featuring Scottsdale tanning salon plus more in your area.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Eph Means For 2 Diet Pills

Now is the perfect time to take the first steps to lose some excess weight. When you are around your family and friends do you think about your weight and size a lot. Excess weight is sometimes like alcohol or money problems in breaking up a relationship.

Your doctor will advise you of the many risks to your health that are caused by excess weight gain which could mean that you would never live to watch your children graduate or get to walk your daughter down the aisle. If you have had to undergo heart surgery you already had that "aha" moment. Many others have not ... yet.

Ephedra diet pills are weight loss supplements that have been a source of controversy over potential side effects. Also known as Ephedrine-57 this supplement is one of the most effective for weight loss. Ephedra contains two natural herbal components, Ephedrine and Hoodia which work together to bring about the many benefits of weight loss.

Ephedra diet pills help to encourage metabolism while increasing energy and burning fat. The active ingredient in Ephedra is P57 and this lets the brain know that the body is not in need of food. P57 also suppresses the appetite at a rate that is stronger than the natural body response. It is claimed that those wanting to get rid of excess stomach fat, love handles, etc. will be more responsible in their eating habits without trying as hard to accomplish it. The urges to snack and cravings are all decreased. The fat burning elements will then work even faster and make it easier to shed weight.

Ephedra is one of the few diet pill supplements that will work without more strenuous physical activity. If you live a sedentary lifestyle and do not regularly exercise, this may be the best choice for you when it comes to losing weight.

Ma Huang is another name you hear in conversations about ephedra. This plant is used to extract the natural ingredients that make up the alkaloid ephedrine. THE FDA has been sending out warnings since the early 1990's for those taking Ephedra diet pills to do so with caution and to take them only under the close supervision of a doctor. It is never wise to consume any type of diet pill in excess. Always read the instructions carefully.

One of the newer ephedra based dietary supplements is called Firestarter. The stated benefits are to increase the metabolic rate, promote the burning of stored body fat, slow the absorption of serotonin, which helps in weight management by controlling food craving and suppressing the appetite, and inhibit the absorption of dietary fats by acting as a lipase inhibitor.

In simpler terms it should tone and tighten the body by burning off excess fat cells, plus you get an added boost to help push through your exercise regimen. The formula has a time-release technology that keeps your body in fat burning mode for hours and hours, without the heavy crash that is typical as the pills wear off.

This product has 30 mg of ephedra in it which some say it not enough to be effective, but others say that they get the jitters if it is to powerful.

Another fat burner on the market, made by Bio Laboratories, has 50mg of ephedra. This one is called Diablos ECA Fire. The ECA designates what is called a "stack". The formula combines Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin to control and suppress appetite, which allows you to control your calorie intake easier.

These diet supplements with ephedra may be just the added jumpstart you need while you change bad eating habits and replace them with healthier choices.

As a general rule the formula for long term weight loss and fitness is to eat small nutritious meals, combined with a good regular exercise program.

When you don't have the balance of nutrients your body needs, you stay hungry which usually leads to overeating. You need extra energy for digestion, which is why you feel drowsy or fatigued after eating meals with low nutritional value. Your diet affects your overall fitness which is another factor that determines how much energy you have through the day. Fitter people use energy more efficiently, and so have more left to get them through the afternoon and evening. It may sound counter intuitive, but the more you exercise, the more energy you'll have. Why? Because muscle provide more energy than fat, which keeps you invigorated longer.

It's often hard to find the time to eat right and workout, which is why some need a supplement to keep going. With the right combination of diet, exercise, and supplements can truly succeed and be their own biggest loser. So keep on fighting for that healthy body.

Search for World Class Nutritio Supplements at

Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Choose Celtic Wedding Gowns?

Nothing can boost your idea of entering into your matrimony the more 'royal' way than a 'Medieval Wedding.' If you are lucky enough to arrange a wedding in a castle or with a royal-cum-fairytale concept, Celtic Wedding Gowns should be your ideal choice to accent this theme.

Why Choose Celtic Wedding Gowns?


Apart from their sheer elegance, Celtic dresses carry with them, the essence of medieval romance and can really make you feel like a princess in a fairyland. Celtic Wedding Gowns can be a romantically beautiful way of celebrating your most cherished moments.


In case of Celtic wedding gowns, you have a very wide selection of styles to choose from. Your choices can range from minimalistic 'A-line' cuts in expensive fabrics to rounded 'ball gowns' with elaborate braids, brocade, and stone work in heavier fabrics. You can have a flamboyant detachable train, leaving you with the option to use the gown as an evening party dress later on. Other option could be to have a fuller, naturally flowing dress. The characteristic dress material used for such gowns is velvet, cotton, silk, satin, or brocade. Some Celtic designs also come with an option of an overdress, often in tulle, chiffon, or other lighter material, which greatly enhance the luxuriant style of the attire.

The unorthodox

If you are going in for a Celtic dress, you are at a liberty to do away the conventional 'whites' and add colors to your wedding. These Renaissance outfits offer you much greater choice of available colors than any other form of wedding attire. Not only this, you can choose a formal, semi-formal, or even an informal style for your Celtic wedding dress. These attractive and unique opportunities to experiment make these Celtic Wedding Gowns much sought-after these days.

Money matters

These unconventional options have an added benefit of being kind on your purse in an 'unconventional' way. If your choice is to go for informal wear or colored versions of the formal gowns, you can choose your fabric economically. Since, such materials are not of the 'specialized' variety, there can be a saving and bargain over the price. In addition, you will have a larger number of vendors to explore. The accessories, similarly, are not required to be of niche kind, and you can consider your purchase from non-specialty stores.

The grandeur of a royal wedding dress is any girl's dream and nothing can be more comforting than the fact that they are just at an arm's distance away. So, what are you waiting for? Extend your arm and reach out!

Bridal Online Store offers discount prices on wedding dresses and check out the new Wedding 101.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Zone Training for beginners to maximize workouts

Like Training programs that are based upon maximum heart rate, Anaerobic threshold (AT)-based training zones are relative to varying levels of intensity, each of which serves different training objectives. Each of these zones develops essential physiological functions that contribute to good health and improved fitness, especially the possibility of weight loss. So you should never limit your training to a single metabolic zone, although you may exercise predominantly in one zone for a given time in order to reach specific training objectives.

Except for rank beginners or people with health related limitations, all levels of intensity are appropriate to ensure maximum cardiovascular development and results. How much and how often you work in each zone will depend on your athletic goals and your current level of fitness (continue reading for a more detailed description of the zones and their primary applications).

Let's look at the volume of the different zones that should be performed weekly. As a rule of thumb, 60 to 65 percent of your total workout time should focus on Zones 1 and 2; 30 to 35 percent on Zones 3 and 4; and about 5 percent on Zone 5. But you need not incorporate all zones into a single workout. In fact, you'll get better results from designing a range of different workouts throughout the week - including long, easy ones in Zones 1 and 2, and shorter, tougher ones that occupy more time in Zones 3, 4 and 5.

ZONE 1: Warm-up Heart-rate range: 60 to 70 percent of AT.

Training objectives: Encourage blood flow and burn fat.

What's happening: This is almost a pure aerobic state, which you can maintain almost indefinitely without experiencing any rise in blood lactate.

Feeling: Comfortable to talk and breathe through your nose.

How long: 10-minute warm-up progressing to higher intensity zones for 45 minutes or longer. Depending on your fitness level, you may need to start with a shorter workout and build up to 45 minutes, or do several shorter workouts throughout the day.

Zone 1 basics: This is a good place to launch your fitness program if you are a beginner or returning to exercise after taking off several months or more. It develops basic exercise technique, endurance and an aerobic base. Ideally, if you are new to exercise, or returning to training after a long break, you should stay in Zone 1 for about six weeks before moving up in zones. Zone 1 is also a good place to recover from tougher workouts.

ZONE 2: Aerobic Development

Heart-rate range: 70 to 90 percent of AT.

Training objectives: Build aerobic efficiency and maximize fat burning at a higher caloric rate.

What's happening: A small rise in blood lactate occurs, yet the body can process it without buildup.

Feeling: You can still converse and may have the urge to go faster. Breathing deepens a bit.

How long: 30 minutes (beginner); 90 minutes or longer (advanced).

Zone 2 basics: Before developing your lactate tolerance or increasing your AT, you should fully develop your "aerobic base," and this is a great zone for moving that effort forward. Noticeable improvement in this zone generally takes about six weeks of consistent training. But don't worry: As you become more efficient and fit, you'll be able to work out faster in every zone. For fit people, Zone 2 is also a good place for active recovery.

ZONE 3: Aerobic Endurance Heart-rate range: 90 to 100 percent of AT.

Training objectives: Increase endurance. Here, you push your AT up to higher intensity by training your body to tolerate more lactate in the blood.

What's happening: As intensity increases, not all lactate produced in the cells can be shuttled back into the metabolic cycle. Lactate levels in the blood begin to rise and, with time, fatigue sets in.

Feeling: Breathing becomes noticeable, but not too difficult; conversation is restricted to short sentences.

How long: 20 minutes (beginner); one hour or more (advanced).

Zone 3 basics: Building endurance at your AT through long intervals (four to 10 minutes) at threshold range will help raise your AT and slowly develop your body's tolerance of lactate. This training adaptation also allows your body to burn fat more efficiently. The idea here is to rest between intervals with your heart rate recovering in your aerobic zone and then increase intensity again up to your threshold.

ZONE 4: Anaerobic Endurance Heart-rate range: 100 to 110 percent of AT.

Training objectives: Increase athletic ability by improving lactate tolerance. Here you're pushing AT and VO2 max (your body's highest ability to utilize oxygen), challenging the heart to work longer, and increasing cardiac output (more blood is being pumped with each stroke, thus requiring fewer strokes per minute).

What's happening: Your body switches into primarily using glycogen or carbohydrate to fuel its need for energy, and your blood-lactate levels dramatically increase.

Feeling: Breathing becomes heavy, difficult and uncomfortable. You may also experience "muscle burn" because of lactate buildup.

How long: Five minutes (beginner); 30 minutes (advanced).

Zone 4 basics: Run at an aerobic pace, then speed up or increase resistance until your heart beats at 110 percent of your AT range. Maintain this level for one to four minutes. Reduce the pace until your heart returns slightly below AT, but not completely back to the aerobic zone. Then repeat the interval.

ZONE 5: Speed and Power Heart-rate range: 110 percent of AT to MHR.

Training objectives: Increase athletic ability by improving neurological response, exercise mechanics, speed and muscle power.

What's happening: Your body is burning the last remaining fuel (glycogen) in your muscles and cannot sustain this maximum effort for more than a few seconds without succumbing to exhaustion.

Feeling: Extremely difficult and uncomfortable. You'll feel breathless and may hear pounding in your chest. You'll feel an intense desire to slow or stop.

How long: Typically several seconds.

Zone 5 basics: Your work here consists of sprints and very intense, short intervals (up to one minute). Although you can come in and out of Zone 5 several times during the course of a single workout, spending more than 10 percent of your total workout time in this zone increases your risk of injury. If you've done a significant amount of Zone 5 work, be sure to add recovery time (meaning a day or two of rest or working in Zones 1 and 2) before returning to Zones 4 and 5.

Progress Makes Perfect By using your AT as a marker for aerobic exercise, you can base your training on a highly individualized fitness parameter, without having to guess about percentages of MHR. This lets you take advantage of every exercise session, knowing you are making the most of your time and energy. And as your fitness improves, so will your AT - one of the best indicators of cardiovascular health, fitness and overall vitality.

Live Lean Today offers professional online fitness trainer programs and great deals on products from Scifit and more.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Questions and Answers about Lipodrene

Q. How is Lipodrene taken?

A. Delivered in easy to swallow tablets, Lipodrene is taken twice daily, preferably one hour after breakfast and one hour after lunch. Lipodrene will work regardless of the timing of the dosage. This is only to try to establish a consistent time to take Lipodrene.

Q. How long do I need to take Lipodrene?

A. Lipodrene should be taken until your desired weight loss goals are met. The ultimate duration is entirely dependent upon the amount of weight that you need to lose.

Q. Who should or should not use Lipodrene?

A. Lipodrene is intened to help women and men who have difficulty losing wieght. Unlike prescription medications, Lipodrene will work regardless of the amount of weight that you need to lose. Lipodrene has a strong recored of safety, and is virtually safe for everyone. However, if you are pregnant or lactating, you should not take Lipodrne.

Q. How much weight can I expect to lose with Lipodrene?

A. Clinical trials based upon Lipodrene's proprietary components have yielded wight loss to nearly 15% of beginning body weight within the first two months.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Healthy Circle of Friends - Small Group Personal Training

Small-group training personal trainer sessions under five people may be just what you need to keep you motivated and moving towards your goals at the health club. Training with friends, families, or your significant other along with your "other significant other": your personal trainer puts you in a fun and comfortable atmosphere where you can train hard and cheer each other on even harder.

When beginning a fitness program, it is so important that you have the support of friends and family, not only so that they won't tempt you with indulgences or keep you from making your appointments at the gym, but so that they will encourage you to stick with your goals and pump you up when you are feeling sluggish. Well, why not bring this support system into the health club with you? After all, don't you think your loved ones need a little pumping up, too?

As a personal trainer myself, I have trained small groups, and I have seen the benefits first-hand. I had a group of five women""all great friends and a mother-daughter duo decide they wanted to train together with me. They had been training together for over a year, but weren't seeing the results they wanted. Following the first session, I could see what the first problem was: they came to the health club with good intentions to train, however ended up choosing to have social hour instead. Now, it wasn't like I didn't allow them to talk, laugh, joke, and have fun; I just kept them focused when they began discussing their weekend plans. After all, I believe a fit and healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable, and I believe you should have fun while you workout. Well, with my help and motivation, it didn't take long to see these women transform together!

Small-group training has other benefits as well. Not only does training with a group of friends allow you to motivate each other both in and out of the health club (how would you like to get a phone call from a fellow trainee just as you were slicing into that piece of chocolate cake, but it can be cost-effective, too. While a personal training session may range anywhere from $35 to $75, depending on where you live (sometimes even more), a group rate may only cost $25 a person. Now that is something to get pumped about! Most health clubs offer small-group training packages, but if yours doesn't you may want to ask if they can put one together for you.

Go ahead, call up a group of close friends today and rather than inviting them to happy hour, invite them to an hour of fitness, fun and slimming waistlines! You'll be hooked in no time.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How Do I Know If My Product is Organic

What is organic food? The term is becoming more popular. In the United States for a product to claim that it is 100% organic is has to produced following legally regulated guidelines and be subject to strict testing. Typically to because of the detail involve to get the ultra healthy organic food it costs more than the fertilizer and pesticide rich alternatives.

The term organic means that the food was produced without the use of conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or sewage, and that no artificial additives to included in the process. When the term organic relates to animals like beef, the animals are free of antibiotics and growth hormones given typically to make the animals bigger.

In the beginning the only place to get organic food was from your local farmers market. Not any more. Now, family run farms are being over taken by commercial operations that produce still 100% organic food faster and meet the new demand for the products. The United States has grown by 17-20% in organic food sales in the last few years. You can now get organic products from online retailers to Wal-Mart.

In the United States, companies have to pass tough testing and regulations to call their products organic. The term certified organic means that the USDA has certified that the product in question is actually 100% organic. A farmer commercial or family run must apply for their certification. Not all organic food is certified. Food products can be organic and just not have gone through the approval process to be certified.

With the every increasing demand for organic products, more and more products are finding their way into becoming organic. Now, coffee, ice cream, and ketchup can all be found with organic labels and ingredients. There is now an overwhelming change from the overly processed foods that line our grocery stores to more all natural products.

The term all natural is not govern, so the only way to know a product is organic is to get it from a trusted source or grown it yourself. The ladder probably isn't going to happen for most of us. All natural products are not necessarily bad. They are just not going through the certification process to be considered 100% organic.

Looks for the organic label from your trusted places you buy your products. You will have to make the decision on the products that might be 70% or 35% organic. For some products that is as good as it gets for the time being. With the demand high more and more products will start becoming organic. They have to.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic baby clothes, organic protein bars, and more.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Best Protein Sources for Vegetarians

Proteins are very necessary for human's health. The muscles of the body, hair, fingernails and many other body parts are made up of partially or wholly of protein. It is the common belief of the person that that the main source of proteins are only the non-vegetarian food substances. They think that vegetarian food normally lacks in protein. Now the question emerges, is their belief right? Well you can get the answer of this question by your own while reading this article on vegetarian protein food.

It is a fact that vegetarian food stuffs are also best in providing proteins and that too in high quantity. It is even revealed out of several surveys that those who are vegetarian are more healthy and fit as compared to those who are not. The only important thing to keep in mind is that the healthy vegetarian should take care to have adequate amount of protein in his diet for sure. It is worth to state that vegans require having more sensitivity regarding their body's protein requirements.

Here is a list of pure vegetarian protein food stuffs for vegans:


It is rare and pure vegetarian complete protein that contains all essential amino-acids. It is 85-95 percent digestible and easy for body to assimilate and digest. You can enjoy spirulina in dressing or smoothies.

Bee pollen:

Bee pollen has approximately 40 percent of proteins and packed with vital vitamins and minerals. It is count as nature's super nourishing vegetarian protein food. Bee pollen has more proteins as compared to any other animal sources like beef, eggs, meat etc.

Soy products:

Cooked soybeans (1/2 cup) have 10 grams of proteins and tofu (1/4 cup) also contains same quantity of proteins. Soy products are involved in small quantum in Asian diets while they are completely new for west. Select best quality of organic tofu as well as unsweetened soy milks. Fermented products of soy are very easy to digest.

Legumes and Beans:

Cooked chickpeas (2/3 cup) have 10 grams proteins. Incomplete proteins are present in beans. This means you can make them healthier by cooking them with other protein rich vegetables. Eating grains and beans together is classic combination that provides complete proteins.


Dairy products are very rich in proteins. Raw milk straight from the cow has very high content of proteins. Thus, raw organic as well as fermented milk food products are far better than homogenized and pasteurized milk.

Process of homogenization breaks milk into very smaller particles. These particles cause lactose intolerance. Pasteurization mainly sanitizes milk but also kills its goodness too. The enzymes present in raw milk help in digestion.

However, if you have treated organic-milk as a last option then do not worry. Here are some guidelines to make proteins present in homogenized and pasteurized milk more digestible.

Eat yoghurt.

Warm the milk with some digestive spices like cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

Cottage cheese would become more digestible when it added with little yoghurt.

Try sheep and goat products.

Protein powder:

Whey protein-powders are processed proteins. However, smoothie protein-powder is very fine to take as occasional snack or in breakfast. Quality is key factor for complete health. So, from above vegetarian protein food stuffs you can get high quality protein. If you require more proteins then switch towards several other things available as well. It is not that the above mentioned are only the protein rich vegetarian food. In addition there are several other sorts of vegetarian foods available that can provide you with right quantity of protein. Some other sorts of choices that are available for you are bee pollen, legumes, spirulina etc. Hence, from the above food stuffs you can have rich protein diet without any non-vegetarian food.

In addition, if you are concerned with the cost aspect, then too you need not to worry at all. It is so because if you would go for such sorts of foods then the best part is that you would get vegetarian food cheaper as compared to the non vegetarian food. So what's the deal in not going for vegetarian protein food? Also you are not required to worry about various problems or diseases than can happen because of eating poor quality non vegetarian food.

Being vegan is itself a special and better choice. Thus, take high protein containing vegetables and fruits in your diet with other vegetarian protein food in order to have protein as per your physical requirements. offers great value on ephedra diet pills, protein powders, and more.