Monday, October 19, 2009

Top 5 Solutions to Problems with HOA Boards

So, you have a problem with your home owner association (HOA) or its board members. The general rule which seems to apply to most people's feelings as it relates to HOAs are follow the rules or its time to move. What happens when you feel your HOA has outdated policies or you have been treated unfairly? The following at 10 things you can do for solutions with your HOA board.

You do have to keep in mind that you singed a contract as it states with your home owner association so these solutions don't work if you simply are made you can't have a gazebo in your backyard. Those issues and others like it are policies that you would need to have your board members approve. The solutions we are mentioning below are for when you feel that the HOA has acted capricious or in a vindictive manner.

5 Solutions to Problems with HOA Board

1. If you read newspaper columns for advice they will tell you to work it out with your HOA board members. You do have to keep in mind that these columns are typically written by lawyers who represent HOA boards so they are not the best source of info for the home owner themselves. It is still important to attempt to work any issues out directly before taking further course of action.

2. You need to know your bylaws. If you want a state official to help you solve your issue you need to know exactly what you are talking about. Many people don't get far with their cases against HOA boards as their information is filled with emotion more than facts on how HOA bylaws were broken.

3. If there are board members who are apathetic to your situation you can use them to hold special meetings and replace vindictive board of directors. It is important that all policies on these proceedings are followed for them to work.

4. You need to keep all documentation with correspondences between you and the HOA or the HOA's attorneys. You want to get to proof of your violations though you have to realize you will also need proof of your innocence. Just as you want the HOA to have all the documentation, so will you if you are to win your case. If you ever need your own lawyer, the lawyer will need proof to be able to defend your interest.

5. Most issues with home owner associations are consistent courses of action that are in violation or patterns of now working with home owners. You can recommend professional community services take over your HOA's management services which is usually better for both the HOA board members themselves and the individual home owners. Professional community management services are experts in how to handle home owner concerns so that both parties understand and win in the end.

Parker Finch is a professional community management company offering services for HOA board members in Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Going green - how do you know if a product is green?

If you want to help the environment and go green, here are some tips to get you started. Why go green at all? What exactly is green? How do you know which items to purchase? There are many people out there looking to cash in on the green fad. How to shop safely.

So, do you really want to do your part? Do you want to help the environment, the economy and future generations? Everyone is going green these days and it's a good thing. It shows that people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the world around them. There are so many things that our society wastes. We waste food, water, building materials such as wood from trees and many many more. It's disgusting when you think about all of that money wasted. Think of the time that's wasted too. If you don't change the way you live and shop - you will be leaving the world in a terrible state for future generations.

Do you want to go green? What exactly is going green? What exactly makes a product a green product? If you check the label or item description from the manufacturer - you should see no harmful chemical. All of the ingredients and materials should be easily found in the earth. They should be made using natural processes. Don't buy products that were made in a lab using all kinds of nasty substances. Going green means saying no to harmful toxins and unsafe chemicals in your home or workplace.

Green products must be made using methods that are environmentally friendly. There's more to going green than just leaving out toxic chemicals. We must use methods to produce our goods and services that are sustainable. Think about some of the factories you have seen. They produce a lot of items. They also produce a lot of waste material. It seems like madness when you really think about it. There is absolutely no reason to be spending more just to produce less. Don't let the big guys at the top play with your future, just so they can make a few quick dollars. Green products are products that are good for the earth, the economy and everyone on it. If this isn't true about a product that a manufacturer is offering - it's not green. Don't buy it!

Go green and do your part for our environment.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic toys, organic iced tea, and more.