Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Top Diet Pills

Do you want to know what the top diet pills are? I listed below what I feel are the top weight loss diet pills. To make the list I chose products that I know achieve results and are made with proven high quality ingredients. Also, important is that these products are created by trusted manufacturers.

NV Diet Pill

NV combines two of the most effective and all natural weight loss ingredients, green tea and hoodia gordonii. Green tea extract has been demonstrated in increase your metabolism to support greater calorie burn and support the use of fat as energy. Hoodia Gordonii is the premier appetite suppressant which stops cravings the major cause of failing diets. The big difference with NV is the ingredients that build healthier skin, nails, and hair. As losing weight causes greater stress on these outward aspects you will look your best and you achieve your weight loss.

Hydroxycut Diet Pills

Hydroxycut by Muscletech has been the leader in weight loss for years. More people have achieved their weight loss goals with Hydroxycut than any other diet pill. One main ingredient is yohimbe which is an effective metabolism booster for more energy and calorie burn.

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